Small holes in teeth that aren’t cavities
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Holes are small openings on the surface of a tooth. They occur through natural or human intervention. Your family dentist points out these holes before their appearance.
So maintains your dentist’s visits for a check-up. Cavities check-ups that appear on your teeth surfaces. Causes of cavities include poor oral hygiene and eating lots of sugary snacks.
Treatments for cavities include filling and tooth extraction. Curing the cavity as soon as possible is best to avoid further oral complications.
There are different holes, including tooth abrasion, pulp stones, enamel hypoplasia, pits, and fissures. The holes treatment process includes dental filling, crown, and home remedies. You should avoid the use of food high in sugar and carbohydrates.
Difference between Holes and Cavities:
A hole is a space that passes through an object allowing something to be inserted into it. It is a small opening that has formed on the surface of a tooth due to erosion of the tooth enamel by acid-producing bacteria.
A cavity is a space contained within an object with no openings. Cavities happen due to poor dental hygiene and a diet high in carbohydrates.
Types of small holes that are not cavities:
There are different kinds of small holes on the surface of your tooth that are not cavities. Some of them are listed and explained below:
Tooth Abrasion:
Tooth abrasion is a type of Hole in which your tooth starts to decay because of external mechanical stress. It may occur when you forcefully brush your tooth.
It looks like you are in a hurry or have physical and mental stress. It will destroy your tooth enamel. The signs of abrasion are prolonged. You even don’t know at first that you are getting tooth abrasion.
Over a couple of months, you may see notches on your tooth near the gum line due to the worn-out enamel. A tooth’s inner layer becomes more visible, swelling occurs, and areas look darker than usual.
Abrasion causes the tooth to become too sensitive to cold, hot, and sour food and sweets and become panicky and painful.
Pulp stones:
Dental palp stones are discrete calcifications that appear within the pulp of the teeth. The pulp is the primary source of vascular and nerve supply to it.
These calcifications occur in healthy and unerupted teeth. Pulp stones have embedded in the dentin layer. Pulp stones occur in one or all the teeth in one person.
They can even happen harmed teeth. These dental pulp stones cause a typical obstruction to the endodontics while accessing the apical point of the root canal space.
According to endodontic case reports, pulse stones range from one to 12 within a single tooth. Pulp stones tend to occur in posterior teeth more than in interior teeth.
Enamel hypoplasia:
Dental enamel is the outer layer of our teeth. It is the hardest substance in the human body. It protects the sensitive nerve-filled centers of our teeth against biting forces.
Disturbance in the enamel formation can lead to different enamel problems in children, including hypoplasia.
Dental enamel hypoplasia is a defect characterized by absent enamel. When this defect occurs in one part of the tooth surfaces, resulting in grooves in the tooth’s enamel. An entire tooth may have a thin layer of dental enamel.
Pits and fissures:
Pits and fissures are linear grooves on the chewing surfaces of teeth. These are typical anatomical landmarks that have varied for each type of tooth.
Pits represent holes in the teeth. There are higher chances of caries in pits, so dentists cure them with dental sealants.
Occlusal facets:
Occlusal facets included biting forces and clenching of teeth.
Biting forces:
Biting and chewing are regular and main functions of our teeth. These forces only happen sometimes. Irregular forces also occur in the occlusal wear of tooth surfaces.
Occlusal wear may not have pain in the starting stages but is similar to holes on tooth surfaces.
Clenching of teeth:
Clenching and grinding teeth is a condition that happens day or night. Many people are unaware that they do clenching at night.
These people may have symptoms such as jaw problems and chipped teeth. Dentists suggest that relaxation exercises deal with Bruxism if teeth surfaces are fractured with holes.
Diagnosis of holes:
Holes are visible, and sometimes it isn’t easy to distinguish between Hole and cavity.
So I suggest you visit your dentist for a physical examination to observe the nature of the Hole. The tooth examination may need the following instruments.
- Light source
- Dental mirror
- Explorer
Treatment of holes that are not cavities:
What must you do when your tooth is a hole but not a cavity? In this regard, I suggest the following straightforward treatment for you.
Holes in your teeth can cause lasting damage if you leave them untreated. Depending upon the severity, treatment is different, but the following treatments are familiar and accessible.
- Home remedies
- Dental Filling
- Crowns
- Root canal
Home remedies:
Certain online content suggests home remedies for the Hole in the tooth, but it is a significantly cheaper way to treat it. It can cure the pain temporarily but not permanently.
Dental filling:
In the dental filling procedure, dentists use material such as resin to recover the eroded surface of the teeth.
In the first step, they remove the damaged part and then fill the holes with a dental filling process.
When the holes have been spreading most of your tooth, you need to have the crown on your tooth, which is an artificial tooth crown around the affected areas of the tooth.
Root Canal:
Root canal prices are used when pain or holes occur in the tooth pulp on the inner side. The dentist removes the inner pulp and replaces it with the filling material.
Causes and Drawbacks:
Tooth decay affects 97â„… people, the most at risk of developing cavities. Tooth decay occurs due to frequent snacking on starch and sweets.
These foods and beverages interact with bacteria to create acid, which can destroy the enamel of teeth. If you do not consult with a doctor, this acid eats enamel and cavities form.
Risk factors:
- If a hole or opening in a tooth has been caused by tooth decay, it is more vulnerable to further decay or damage.
- A hole near the tooth’s surface causes sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks.
- When a hole or opening in a tooth is not treated correctly, it can become infected, leading to pain and swelling, and cause more serious dental issues.
- When a hole creates, it also causes difficulty in chewing and eating foods.
The Hole is an empty opening that allows one to pass the object from it. The cavity is a space where no openings occur.
The types of holes that are not cavities include enamel hypoplasia, pulp stones, and tooth abrasion. Holes occur due to eating foods and drinking beverages high in sugar.
So avoid the use of these drinks and foods to prevent holes in the teeth. Holes have different treatment methods, including home remedies and dental fillings.